I get that Category Theory is literally a highly theory-based branch of Mathematics, but would it kill its adherents to list an actual practical example?

I watched the associated talk[1], and David mentions that Poly is "applicable to database migrations".

Okay, how exactly? What practical problems can I solve with it? Can anyone demonstrate Poly being used somehow for a 1000-table database migration more elegantly than could be achieved using other methods? Is there an O(n^2) or O(exp(n)) scaling lurking in there somewhere, or is this the magic sauce we've all been looking for?

Looking in from the outside, I get the distinct impression that category theorists tend to turn up, simply name things that other people have spent their lives working on, call it "understood", and walk away as-if they've just explained everything that needs to be known about the topic they've merely labelled. They seem like the bug-collectors of mathematics. Okay fine, you've got an impressive collection of bugs, but have you understood evolution well enough from that to help industry with increasing pesticide resistance? Yes? No?

[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cp5_o2lDqj0

> category theorists tend to turn up, simply name things that other people have spent their lives working on

A lot of category theory (at least the more basic parts thereof) is about bringing together concepts that were isolatedly worked on in very different mathematical communities and formulate them in a unified way so that one can see a unifying pattern that was hardly visible before.

> What practical problems can I solve with it?

If you simply want to work on some topic/problem of your interest, category theory will likely be of limited help (except perhaps for finding a more elegant formulation of the things that you work on). If, on the other hand, you seek deep relationships between topics that to most people look unrelated, getting deeply into category theory is likely not a bad idea.

Thus: "from the perspective of someone who is interested in solving practical problem", category theory gives you rather little new problem solving techniques by itself. But category theory gives you a cool lookout to perhaps enable you to apply solution techniques from other areas, where without category theory you would not be able to see the relationship between the technique from a seemingly unrelated area and your problem.

> about bringing together concepts

Well, yes, obviously. My analogy is just that: it's like bug collection, bringing together a bunch of samples from many fields into a single museum.

My criticism, I think, is still valid. Just because you've renamed things in a bunch of fields with a consistently obtuse verbiage doesn't mean you've understood anything, or improved any of the fields in a material way. There's a lot of promise, but little delivery.

Category theory is the string theory of mathematics. There. I said it.

I raised a similar critique here before, asking for practical examples from computer science where CT has made a contribution, and someone linked to a CT explanation of automatic differentiation (popularised due to AI).

The thing is, AD predated CT substantially, and was well-understood for a long time. The original theoretical description of AD is something I understood, and the CT description of it was impenetrable, and not useful.

Category theory is something I've always wanted to succeed. It feels like we're on the cusp of something great, like formalising every part of programming languages and compilers for provably correct transformations and optimisations. That would be amazing, but every time I dig into the promise of CT all I see is some hand-wavy "it's applicable to field X" with literally zero further discussion, examples, or practice.

I get the complaint. In the old days people would sometimes say “abstract nonsense” when talking about category theory related topics. It’s increasingly an important part of a basic mathematical education at the graduate level. Eventually there may be a spillover into other areas like computer science where so called practical uses occur. But maybe not. It’s still too early to say.

There’s a famous book called Categories for the Working Mathematician. Maybe someday there will be a book called Categories for the Working Programmer.

I like that you call it the string theory of math. It’s a more modern way of saying “abstract nonsense”.