The principles and origin of Go are dear to me, I feel philosophically aligned. Focus on: Dev tooling, simplicity, large scale collaboration, networked services and readability

> large scale collaboration

What does golang have to facilitate large scale collaboration that isn't done better in languages such as Java or C#?

Even more, what does Go have better in terms of dev tooling than Java or C#?

Go fmt

Code formatters are available in Java/C# but not ones that have a default set in stone.

Ok. But you get to stop discussing some style choices, and instead you lose a decent debugger, a decent (open source) IDE, any graphical profiler, good package management that is separate from your source control tool, and probably a few others I'm missing.

And if you care about style trivialities ,you'll still need an external linter, since go fmt doesn't enforce anything about variable names , line length, function length, comment placement, line breaking and many other things some people like to obsess over.

The beauty of Go is that it's so simple that you don't need a debugger. Do you need a word dictionary to read this comment? No, because this comment is simple. Same with Go. But if you need a debugger, there is Delve [1], though I only used it once to debug a dynamic programming algorithm.
