For those looking for monadic Promises, I’d suggest taking a look at Fluture ( It’s a wonderful library and with do-notation, ability to work with callbacks, nodebacks, and Promises, I haven’t looked back. It also has adheres to Fantasy Land, Static Land, and has defintions for santuary-def.
I think I understood a couple words in that sentence, like "it" and "has". :P
Looking up fantasy-land, I found I would like to better understand these monads everyone is talking about.
But, just to be super honest -- and possibly completely wrong -- the terminology is really off-putting. At a glance it just feels super complex, academic and completely divorced from practical coding. I get vibes of enterprise java class hierarchies looking at this stuff.
I hope I'm wrong, and I really am interested to learn more about it, but I can see from the OP's linked thread that I'm not alone feeling this way. It's not at all clear why I should be thinking about my JavaScript algebraically at all times, or what the practical advantages are. After decades of coding, I'm just getting more alergic to complexity, and this feels like complexity.
What are some good online resources that might help me change my mind and see the light?