Professionally, I do embedded and robotics, but once a year I find an excuse to create a simple web application (to stay updated). Every time, I get impressed by power and simplicity of the web technologies in general. In JavaScript those are things mentioned in the article + WebComponents. For CSS those are flexboxes, grids, and animations. In my opinion, React made a revolution with hooks and contexts. I love the direction in which the web world has been going!
>In my opinion, React made a revolution with hooks and contexts
I agree with your overall point 100%, but to be honest nothing in React was / is innovative except for the virtual DOM diffing, but even that is becoming increasingly irrelevant as apps are moving towards more and more reactive architecture. React made a huge impact on web dev and deservingly so, but all of the other ideas have been implemented and used on the web before.
Of course it's great that React is bringing some of these good ideas to mainstream, but they've been there way before they have been distributed along with a VDOM algo.
> but all of the other ideas have been implemented and used on the web before.
Is this true? I've worked in web dev for like 6 yrs now and React has provided a significant number of concepts and technologies I'd never seen before and still dont see elsewhere.
For example, JSX. Yes, it originated in php but React was its first time being implemented in the frontend.
Also the concept of hooks and functional components. The fact that you explicitly define side-effects in the render of a function, with memoization or execution dependent on arbitrary state, is a new invention as far as I'm concerned.
Transpiling, hooks and components have all been done (and done better) before React came along, but often they were laughed out as esoteric toys that have nothing to with "real programming". It's just hard to teach these concepts until you actually use them, and it's hard to get people to use these concepts unless they are included in something else that you need.
The same happened early with React, both JSX and VDOM were laughed at by many developers because "they looked stupid" to people who didn't understand them and were used to one way of doing things. MVC+jQuery+templates was the flavour of the day.
Same thing with TypeScript, FRP and so on.
Most likely, whatever concept is gaining momentum today, it's an exact or approximate copy, or in rare cases a novel remix of what has been researched 10-20 years ago, and used in production for 5 years before you heard about it on HN
These people who like to apply category theory etc. in programming have heard this mocking of their work as stupid esoteric fantasy (and then seeing them become mainstream later) so often that they literally called one of their specs "Fantasy Land"
There's still lot of work to be done. JavaScript doesn't even have proper immutable data structures natively, which would be a REAL low hanging fruit.