Forgive me if this sounds ignorant, but who is using pure-functional approaches in industry?

Again, please correct me if I'm wrong since I've been industry for barely 2 years: back in school functional programming looked cool, but when I entered industry(and even in my exploration through personal/OSS projects), I have found it to be nothing more for the most part than a cool toy to play with. I can somewhat see the benefit when it comes to parallelizing Big Data, but that seems to be a very special case.

Again if I'm just being ignorant, please educate me :)

Lots of people take useful parts of the functional paradigm without bringing in the whole shebang. Javascript being at the top of the list of languages in that page is a good hint at how people use it: things like are often used instead of procedural counterparts because people consider the pipeline-like data flow to be easier to understand than ad-hoc for loops, to give one simple example.

Promises and the async/await syntax sugar on top of them are another JS construct that borrow quite a bit from functional literature.

I see what you mean...Even I myself have written code along the lines of "". And indeed it can be more readable certain times. But I guess what I was referring to is that sometimes it seems that people are "preaching" functional programming as gospel. But I could be misinterpreting things.

I mean, you can go all the way to the deep end, but like any tool, there are good reasons to be pragmatic, and avoid just using a tool for its own sake. Sure, you can get lost in fantasy land[0] algebras if you really want to, but generally I see it as a pyramid of usage (i.e. a small number of people that care about the mathematics, a slightly larger group of library authors that use fantasy land and friends to inform API design decisions, and a larger portion of library consumers that benefit from the academic roots of those design decisions.)
