Ramda putting the options first, data last in the args is a killer move. It means it's easier to bind functions. And many functions can be made variadic, accept all much data as you want to feed, which is a huge boost.
Ramda & fp libraries in general seen to have faded a bit. The utility library everyone knew, lodash, hasn't shipped an update in 2 years. Weird to see this kind of stuff falling away a bit.
Take a look at
- https://github.com/sanctuary-js
I think there's new libraries now rather than the older Ramda and Lodash. The JS ecosystem just seems to move onto newer variants of things over time.
It was never really my jam, but I used to follow the up-and-coming fantasy-land specs with great interest. It just seemed like a sharp dedicated community of folks trying to figure out better fp & algebraic stuff. I'm not sure who trailed off - in general I feel like there's much less connection in tech world, that the tech twitter and every other ultra-active tech channel has somewhat decayed. https://github.com/fantasyland/fantasy-land
Thanks for the links. I know I've seen @gcanti's name a thousand times already, but had utterly forgotten fp-ts.