I’m happily using fiber in go. To be precise, I do definitions in protobuf, use grpc-gateway to auto build the api server, and wrap it with fiber for better middlewares.

I get swagger ui and “all the clients” for free, thanks to protobuf.

With this said, imo it all depends on how much web dev you have to do. If it’s really just an api, that’s my current stack. If there’s a lot of frontend, I’d prob lean for a similar solution built with a js/ts backend like nextjs or plain express.

I use chi with 'oapi-codegen' to build my endpoints based off my hand rolled openapi spec files.

Having dabbled in grpc I wasnt aware of grpc gateway. Do you have an example of your setup? If not, no sweat I can figure it out in time.

Just really intrigued because I love using generators to save time and for documenting. Sqlc being another favourite of mine.

I don't have any example that's public atm, but the guide in grpc-gateway is pretty clear/can be followed step by step.


To integrate with Fiber, I used the Fiber Adaptor (also pretty straightforward): https://docs.gofiber.io/api/middleware/adaptor