It is simply mind-boggling how much effort the JS community has put into working around the performance properties of a document layout engine to make it 'interactive' and 'responsive'.

With only 3 major rendering engines left standing, where is the concerted push to turn these document renders into general purpose, fast, desktop-quality rendering engines?

Back to Svelte vs. React vs. Reagent vs. Vue.JS vs. Angular vs. (insert framework-of-the-month-here)

One common theme seems to be: Run code to manipulate a tree-like data structure (DOM) efficiently. This obviously needs to become: Submit data to the rendering engine to manipulate the tree-like structure. (and in a way .innerHtml is doing that for a sub-tree, but is not suitable for general-purpose tree manipulation)

> where is the concerted push to turn these document renders into general purpose, fast, desktop-quality rendering engines

The DOM is fast enough for desktop apps @60 or even 90 frames per second, especially of you follow best practices (no framework required)

If it is fast enough, why is everyone optimizing?

I hope you read the original article, that clearly lays out the (non) optimizations being done in VDOM.

In any compute environment, doing more than necessary spins CPU cycles wastefully. I believe the optimizations you speak of try to limit this work to the least possible, by telling on the framework's Dev world. But this is surprisingly easy to achieve without frameworks, see [1] and [2]

