Couldn't agree with this more. The way I like to put it is "ORMs make the easy parts slightly easier, but they make the hard parts really hard". But I don't care that much about improving the easy parts, because they're already easy! Yet I can remember plenty of times when ORMs made my job a million times more difficult and all I was doing was fighting with the ORM itself (and usually at the worst time, e.g. when a query reached enough scale that it "fell over").

Query builders aren't exactly the same thing, but I love this article,, and it's made me a huge fan of Slonik and similar technologies. It does 90% of what I want a query builder or ORM to do (e.g. automatic binding of results to objects, strong type checking, etc.), but it lets me just write normal SQL. I also never understood this idea that SQL is some mystically difficult language. It has warts from being old, sure, but I'd rather learn SQL than whatever custom-flavor-of-ORM-query-language some ORM tool created.

> but I'd rather learn SQL than whatever custom-flavor-of-ORM-query-language some ORM tool created

This point is worth emphasizing!

When you application carries non-trivial business logic, it will create non-trivial DB access patterns.

The developer will either use SQL or some other language that, pragmatically speaking, translates to SQL. But either way, they will learn some DB expression.

I'd rather use a standard. Existing familiarity, easier to find docs, support, and is probably more bug-free, etc.

I can imagine what would be/is valuable is type checked embedded SQL queries.