> Now, as long as printing the PCB and soldering tiny components does not sound scary, anyone can build their own Time Card for a fraction of the cost of a regular time appliance.

Doesn't sound scary, but not a lot of research labs and data centers are going to want to build their expansion cards from parts, even given free access to instructions. I understand if there isn't enough of a market for this to make it a viable commercial product, but when you have more money than God anyway, what's the reason not to make a few extra and donate or sell them to the small number of users who can use it?

From https://github.com/opencomputeproject/Time-Appliance-Project...

> Where can I get one?

> […] we are currently working with several suppliers and will have their contact info soon available to allow you to puchase an out-of-the-box ready Time Card.