What’s the most precise clock I can buy, as an overpaid computer programmer?

I suppose anything that shows a human time representation is out of the question. It wouldn’t be able to incorporate legal changes to time such as let’s insert a leap second! or days are now divided into 32 hourlets!.

I would settle for an output that shows elapsed seconds from an agreed upon datum. I guess having a human readable time would be fine but the science part is more interesting.

With a clock of such precision, how could I synchronise it? Or rather: is there something better than NTP that Serious Clock Owners(tm) use?

Perhaps what I want is a clock with reasonable-ish accuracy but incredible longevity. Having a long running independent mechanical source of time is appealing, and kind of orthogonal to having an ultra accurate but electrical one.

Facebooks Time Card is a good starting point if you want to start looking into how higher end timing devices are built: https://github.com/opencomputeproject/Time-Appliance-Project...

Afaik its not currently available for purchase, so it is more of a diy route. If you want a standalone unit, it probably wouldn't be too big of hassle to ducktape that Time Card to e.g. Raspberry Pi CM4 or similar module with pcie and drive a display (or whatev) that way. Or that FPGA on the Time Card probably has enough spare capacity to do it directly too, for a simplified architecture (and maybe better hard realtime control).