> and do it well

If only Git did it well!

Ok that’s not fair. Git is pretty okay for the Linux open source project. But it’s pretty mediocre-to-bad for everything else.

The D is DVCS is a waste of effort. Almost all projects are defacto centralized. In fact the D is anti-pattern that makes things like large binary files a still unsolved problem in Git. And no Git LFS doesn’t count.

Source control should be capable for petabyte scale storage and terabyte scale partial clones, imho.

Git feels like an inferior technology that succeeded and now we’re mostly stuck with it. Maybe someday someone will create a proper Perforce competitor and we can all migrate to something that’s actually good.

> The D is DVCS is a waste of effort.

until the de facto centralized remote goes offline and you’re stuck with no local history …

I would love to see a DVCS that can effectively handle repos of the size I've seen. How well does DVCS work when your repo shallow copy is about 10TB?


better than it used to, with the caveat that git in particular is not and has never claimed to be good at versioning blobs.