Spring MVC + Hibernate. I'm familiar with those libraries and they provide almost everything I usually need.
For frontend I would choose either JSP or Thymeleaf, both are good, depends on your taste and whether you're writing HTML markup. Another option is a JavaScript-powered SPA website. You have plenty of choices there.
And I highly suggest using Intellij Idea Ultimate + JRebel. Those technologies provide tremendous productivity boost and I can't imagine working without them. Though they are not free (AFAIK you can get JRebel for free).
JHipster (https://jhipster.github.io/) provides a Yeoman generator to make a basic project template as well as generate entities and screens using an Angular, Spring Boot & Hibernate stack which makes it super easy to get started with all of these components.
An open source alternative to JRebel is https://github.com/dcevm/dcevm - it works great with Java 8, Intellij, Spring & Hibernate.