Spring MVC + Hibernate. I'm familiar with those libraries and they provide almost everything I usually need.

For frontend I would choose either JSP or Thymeleaf, both are good, depends on your taste and whether you're writing HTML markup. Another option is a JavaScript-powered SPA website. You have plenty of choices there.

And I highly suggest using Intellij Idea Ultimate + JRebel. Those technologies provide tremendous productivity boost and I can't imagine working without them. Though they are not free (AFAIK you can get JRebel for free).

For people whose impression of Spring and Hibernate was formed a decade ago, its really worth another look now. You can completely manage them with annotations in your code and lots of the boilerplate will be generated for you based on naming conventions.

JHipster (https://jhipster.github.io/) provides a Yeoman generator to make a basic project template as well as generate entities and screens using an Angular, Spring Boot & Hibernate stack which makes it super easy to get started with all of these components.

An open source alternative to JRebel is https://github.com/dcevm/dcevm - it works great with Java 8, Intellij, Spring & Hibernate.