I'm not sure the X1 Carbon is such a great idea. I heard that Lenovo laptops are way cheaper in US than in Europe, but here, getting MBA instead would give you cheaper computer with better screen, and way better touchpad, while going for rMBP 13 would give you computer with better performance, more memory, way better screen and way better touchpad, while still being cheaper than the X1.

Now more expensive than Apple product, while worse ... that requires actual effort!

I'm planning to do just the same with Linux, though I'm waiting for Haswell Zenbook.

EDIT: I hope I recall correctly on X1 having TN screen.

Chromebook Pixel is actually a really nice laptop that "just works". Even the touch screen has driver support. You can chroot Ubuntu, or, wipe and go all-in.

EDIT: Link to crouton: https://github.com/dnschneid/crouton