No mention of supported platforms, but the documentation refers to keyboard shortcuts like "cmd-shift-P". This isn't Mac-only, is it?

It's built on node-webkit and chromium, which technically works on Windows, OSX and Linux. Do you seriously think they would make an OSX only editor when there's already so many that work on all platforms?

The download is only available for Mac today, but we are working on the Linux and Windows builds.

Any chance for ChromeOS support?

It's most likely not possible until there's a "hosted atom" you connect to with your browser. ChromeOS is /just/ a web browser and won't run node, which Atom uses to do its processing.

ChromeOS (rather, Chromebooks) can run more-featured Linux distros like Ubuntu, ArchLinux.

@Downvoters: Please do your homework[0] before downvoting. If you genuinely think my comment deserved downvotes, at least afford me the courtesy of an explanation.
