If you already run your own DNS resolver, query the root servers directly. No need to trust DNS providers when you can do the same thing yourself.

based on the OP's description of yandex and what I presume to be their location it's not impossible that some time in the future unencrypted 53/udp traffic leaving and entering the country may be blocked or messed with

In that case maybe something like DNSCrypt[0] and a 3rd party provider makes sense. On top of the encrypted connection, DNSCrypt has the option to proxy queries to improve privacy.

This only helps if they're not doing any advanced blocking though. If I remember correctly, when Russia blocked Telegram, they were blocking their IPs, not just DNS queries. If the rumours of a "RuNet" are true, then they probably need something more advanced (eg: a VPN with traffic obfuscation, Tor, etc).


[0] https://github.com/DNSCrypt/dnscrypt-proxy