I found lazygit after building something of my own thay solves some of these problems for me - git-fuzzy [0].

I'd like to share some of my thoughts about the comparison.

lazygit is a TUI for git which can behave in a standalone fashion. It's also designed to be quick and easy to use to perform quite advanced actions but ones that a seasoned git user may really want when working with git history. Since I'm already a seasoned git user the main feature I like about lazygit is the ability to surgically work with patches.

All that said, a majority of my workflow is tightly bound to git-fuzzy. I use its CLI composability quite heavily in combination with aliases and functions - git-fuzzy excels in this particular way (`git fuzzy log $(git fuzzy branch)` which I invoke using `gl $(gb)` by way of aliases). git-fuzzy is better for working with git-log or git-reflog and interactively searching them.

I personally quite like what I made (for myself), though I wish there was a world where I could quickly and easily mash both of these projects together.

[0] https://github.com/bigH/git-fuzzy

Interesting project... in the hopes of maybe nerd-sniping you (or having someone tell me where it already exists), I'll tell you the story I'd really like a solution to but can never seem to find time to build:

I have 5 un-pushed commits. I missed a 1-line change to that first one. I add that one line change to staging (gitui/lazygit/whatever), then I want to `git commit --fixup=COMMIT`. Finding that COMMIT is always a manual process for me for two reasons.

First I have to find the commit to which it applies. This commit is almost always the commit that changed the same line, or added lines around it, or something similar. I guess you could say it's the commit with the closest proximity to the change I'm adding.

Second I have to find the hash of that commit. If I've since done something like an autosquash rebase then it'll have changed. I generally end up using the mouse to do a copy/paste at this point.

Why not skip the fixup commits and just rebase right then, you might ask. Well the commits are signed, and signing requires tapping my yubikey for each commit after that.

I would really like to be able to do something like `git commit --I'm-an-idiot-and-missed-this-so-please-apply-a-fixup-to-the-proper-commit`, and have it do the figuring out for me.

Boy have I got the thing for you. git absorb - https://github.com/tummychow/git-absorb

The way to work with it is:

    git add file1
    git commit -m "Fix some bug in file1"
    git add file2
    git commit -m "Add a feature flag for file1"
    # Oh no, first commit was borked, need to fix it
    git add file1
    git absorb
    # this will now automatically create one or more fixup commits
    git rebase -i --autosquash $(git merge-base master)
    # voila, tidy history and each commit works