Yay fun to see it make its way to HN :) It turns out that my original checkpoint runs _way_ faster than I expected (100 tok/s) on MacBook Air M1 with -O3 when compiling, so I am now training a bigger 44M model, which should still running interactively. Maybe the 7B Llama model is within reach... :thinking_emoji:
Your work is an inspiration as always!! My n00b question is: what do you think is currently the most practical path to running a reasonably-sized (doesn't have to be the biggest) LLM on a commodity linux server for hooking up to a hobby web app ... i.e., one without a fancy GPU. (Renting instances with GPUs on, say, Linode, is significantly more expensive than standard servers that host web apps.) Is this totally out of reach, or are approaches like yours (or others you know of) a feasible path forward?
- I wouldn't use anything higher than a 7B model if you want decent speed.
- Quantize to 4-bit to save RAM and run inference faster.
Speed will be around 15 tokens per second on CPU (tolerable), and 5-10x faster with a GPU.