What was the name of the original Vim magic-auto-default setup project? I wish I could remember it! There used to be so many Vim questions on Stackoverflow from people who installed Vim ________ (?) and had no idea what it did. The advice was always: "Stop using that, and learn Vim." This project smells like that.
There are two types of Vim users:
1. "Stop trying to make Vim and IDE with all your fancy plugins, learn Vim!"
2. "Vim is so much more than a text editor, of course you can use it as an IDE."
These two Vim users are usually the same person.
You have to learn Vim's terrible, verbose, antiquated commands in depth in order to justify using Vim. If you don't use q: (q colon) and q/ (q forward slash) in Vim, for example, you probably don't know Vim well enough to justify the efficiency loss you have compared to you using a modern IDE with multiple cursors.
Aside: It blows my mind that there are still plugin managers being invented for Vim. That's a bad sign for an editor. This shouldn't exist in userland.
I'm not sure what you're talking about… the fact that plugin managers continue to be developed for Vim and Neovim tells us there are new use cases today that didn't exist 20 years ago. Neovim isn't your undergraduate Vi/Vim from back in the day.
What's amazing is the plugin managers continue to improve, especially for Neovim.
Lazy.vim [1] is amazingly good.
Refactoring eliminated 30% of Vim's legacy code and the choice of Lua for the scripting language has unleashed a stunning amount of creativity in Neovim/Vim community.