Great to see more starter templates.

Why that? I think the number of starter/boilerplate projects for React is already overwhelming.

I wish create-react-app was the only one way to start a React project, but it has its own limits:

- not intended for server-side React apps

- not intended for React components library

- not intended to be used with TypeScript but Flow (could change with the next major version tho)

Still, there are already so many alternatives, some of them just reinventing the wheel. Do we really need another one? I'm not sure.

- (50k stars)

- (19k stars)

- (18k stars)

- (10k stars)

- (3k5 stars, support Preact & Inferno & components libraries)

- (26k stars, server-side support, very opinionated)

- and so on… just type "react boilerplate/starter/toolkit" on google. Most of them are out-of-date and not maintained, making the process of choosing one ever more overwhelming.