I'd rather see someone implemented glue that allows you to run arbitrary (deep learning) code on any platform.

I mean, are we going to see X on M1 Mac, for any X now in the future?

Also, weren't torch and tensorflow supposed to be this glue?

As mentioned in sibling comments, Torch is indeed the glue in this implementation. Other glues are TVM[0] and ONNX[1]

These just cover the neural net though, and there is lots of surrounding code and pre-/post-processing that isn't covered by these systems.

For models on Replicate, we use Docker, packaged with Cog for this stuff.[2] Unfortunately Docker doesn't run natively on Mac, so if we want to use the Mac's GPU, we can't use Docker.

I wish there was a good container system for Mac. Even better if it were something that spanned both Mac and Linux. (Not as far-fetched as it seems... I used to work at Docker and spent a bit of time looking into this...)

[0] https://tvm.apache.org/ [1] https://onnx.ai/ [2] https://github.com/replicate/cog