This is really cool. We use Elixir at work, but we mostly use it in a "traditional web app" (i.e. non-Elixir) way, of Docker containers deployed to independent AWS instances.

So I'm always intrigued by some of the more BEAM-specific things that folks do, like using `observer` on a remote (production??) node here, or distributed Elixir where the nodes communicate with each other, or "hot" code updates.

How do companies deploy Elixir in such a way to take advantage of all those things? Does Sequin talk anywhere about their deploy process and how their infrastructure looks?

Distributed Elixir can be done with Docker containers too, see which by default has some Kubernetes support but you can also have third party (or custom) clustering strategies. I've not done this myself but I've seen articles about this a lot during the past years.

Hot code updates for most applications aren't really worth it in my opinion, assuming you do something like blue/green rollover deployments. It's cool that it's possible though. But it requires appup files and afaik Distillery is one of the release tools that has support for it built-in.