> In some cases, for pure data validation and processing, you can get performance improvements of 20x or more. This means 2,000% or more.
Amazing! Excited to try it out.
Slightly OT: But what are some use-cases where you'd still use Flask over FastAPI? I really like FastAPI's devEx and don't see myself going back to Flask anytime soon. Curious to hear what others think.
Not to be excessively negative, but this really means very little without more context. Maybe it was very slow before, or it's a particulary unused scenario. I'm always skeptical when people write such praises of their own software without giving a comparison point.
That is at least partly the case. I maintain msgspec[1], another Python JSON validation library. Pydantic V1 was ~100x slower at encoding/decoding/validating JSON than msgspec, which was more a testament to Pydantic's performance issues than msgspec's speed. Pydantic V2 is definitely faster than V1, but it's still ~10x slower than msgspec, and up to 2x slower than other pure-python implementations like mashumaro.
Recent benchmark here: https://gist.github.com/jcrist/d62f450594164d284fbea957fd48b...