Nice to see! How do they plan to monetize? I either became blind or missed it somehow. The article does say how they DON'T plan on monetize:

    "Rest assured that Deno will remain MIT licensed. For Deno to grow and be maximally useful, it must remain permissively free. We don’t believe the “open core” business model is right for a programming platform like Deno."
There are some hints though:

    "If you watch our conference talks, you will find we've been hinting at commercial applications of this infrastructure for years. We are bullish about the technology stack we've built and intend to pursue those commercial applications ourselves. Our business will build on the open source project, not attempt to monetize it directly."
Does anyone have some insight into those? I haven't watch any Deno talk (maybe one actually?) so it feel a bit strange to make people watch technical talks to find hints of the monetization strategy.

PS, if I was a rich investor I'd throw money at this project even as a donation, so no complain at all, but I'm very curious on the monetization plan.

Looks like will be a managed service - the implication seems to be that the default option will be to use their CDN to run code with an option to DIY if you prefer.

How does this business model survive Amazon AWS making a blog post, "Here's a template to run your deno code on Lambda!"? They'll never beat AWS on costs in the long term. They can burn VC cash to stay afloat and try I guess.

Lambda uses containers vs. cloudflare workers use v8 isolates. v8 Isolates are much much faster and more secure for serverless functions.

Deno seems to be targeting cloudflare as a competitor for their service... But it's probable that AWS will release a cloudflare worker competitor themselves if deno continues with the MIT license.

> Lambda uses containers vs. cloudflare workers use v8 isolates. v8 Isolates are much much faster and more secure for serverless functions.

You're right that v8 Isolates are blazing fast, but Lambda runs functions in a microvm spawn by Firecracker [0], which is likely to be more, not less, secure than Isolates [1].

