I think at this point it is better Meta to ditch python and invest in a new programming language that mimics exactly wording for wording of python but without GIL. Google did it with their Carbon for C++, Go for C/D/C++. Microsoft even wrestle with Java for .NET and at one point their J++ 2 decades ago. Meta shpuld create their own. Maybe dump their resources into Modular. Python at this point is basically a C++ with a hotch potch of features and codebase. Start from clean like Mozilla Rust would help entire programming a lot than invest in a niche subset feature of Python which they dont have any control at all (I am speaking from corporate point of view). Python is like Perl, it will continue to have its place even decades later to be generic or niche for AI. But the rest of us may be moving on to something more specialized and cleaner like Rust, Ruby, Modular, etc.

They’ve kind of done that with Cinder https://github.com/facebookincubator/cinder. Threads and Instagram lie on top of this and it’s essentially a fork of Python 3.10.

I think the problem there is even a company like Meta wants to rest on the shoulders of the giant Python community. It makes sense for Meta to try to get parts of Cinder into Python.