I am under the impression that even _safe_ Rust is really hard to learn. Several years ago I started with GoLang and it was so easy to start programming even advanced things almost instantly..Rust drives me crazy. The syntax seems overcomplicated, the compiler errors are cryptic, the IDE is not helpful.

> I am under the impression that even _safe_ Rust is really hard to learn.


> The syntax seems overcomplicated, the compiler errors are cryptic, the IDE is not helpful.

Yes, Rust is hard to learn. Rust does _seem_ over-complicated.

However I like to compare Rust to exercise. You need to do a bit of it before you start reaping the benefits of it.

If you suspend your judgement for a bit and try to write some Rust, starting from the very beginning you will find that:

- Rust is actually a small language at its core, unlike the monstrosity that is C++ . You don't really need Advanced Rust to be productive. Use Advanced Rust only when you're... advanced

- Rust actually is very consistent

- The Rust compiler is actually very helpful. It's the least cryptic compiler I've met. But its OK if you feel that now as you're just beginning your journey with Rust

Avoid the temptation to "read" Rust from a book. Try to _do_ Rust. Otherwise it might overwhelm you. Simply keep adding Rust techniques to your arsenal as you mature in your usage of Rust.

Learning Rust changed the way I look at programing. Rust is a beautiful language. As a random example, just look at the the Firecracker VMM written in Rust -- https://github.com/firecracker-microvm/firecracker . It would have been able to very difficult for me to understand the codebase if it were written in C/C++!

Rust is one of those rare languages I've encountered that if the code compiles, there is a high probability it will work. The type system is that good!

TL;DR Persist and you will reap the rewards with Rust.