Is it the time to consider Actix (or any other rust web framework) for production?

I'm planning for a rather ambitious project, but not sure if I should choose rust (the new shiny thing) or stick to good ol Go (while I do have some issues with it)

We looked into Rust at our company (top 100) and it's clear it's not ready for production systems. It just puts developers into a huge tar pit fighting with the compiler for anything more than a simple hello world app. If it actually lived up to it's hype it would have been used to rewrite browsers, servers, OSes etc. But C/C++ are still the kings of system programming.

Off the top of my head…

Firecracker, the software AWS Lambda runs on, is written in Rust:

Mozilla wrote Servo, a browser engine, in Rust. Part of it has been integrated into Firefox a while ago:

> Mozilla incorporated the Servo CSS Style engine in release 57 of its Firefox Quantum browser.

It’ll be used in Android:

It’ll probably find it’s way into the Linux kernel: