> Torvalds added that Rust isn't that terrible in the end; "it's not Perl".

Glowing endorsement from Torvalds right there. I'm really curious about how this will work out, Rust is my favourite programming language by a fair margin and seeing it being used more and more in places where C or C++ has traditionally dominated is very exciting. The future is looking bright (for those of us who like Rust).

That sounds like what we heard about Scala 10 years ago until complexity started to bite, and now that language is in a free fall and its parent company in financial distress...

Given the projects where Rust is already in use (and has been for several years at this point), I don't think that is a concern.

Which projects?

The Firefox repo is 27% C++, 14% C, and 9.5% Rust - https://4e6.github.io/firefox-lang-stats/ AWS wrote Firecracker which powers AWS Lamba - https://github.com/firecracker-microvm/firecracker Cloudflare just replaced nginx with an in-house reverse proxy written in Rust called Pingora (not yet open source) Facebook rewrote Mercurial in Rust to help scale their monorepo (called Mononoke, now part of their EdenSCM project) Dropbox rewrote their sync client in Rust, and they wrote their block storage service (Magic Pocket) in it. A significant portion of Google's new Fuchsia OS is written in Rust, and it is currently powering Nest devices NPM's backend is written in rust curl can now use Rust's hyper library for making http requests