There is also

And BOSH, via Cloud Foundry Container Runtime[0].

BOSH is also used to deploy Cloud Foundry and a bunch of data services (RabbitMQ, Redis etc). It has the advantage of having been under continuous development for 7 years, with backends (CPIs) for most IaaSes being provided by the IaaSes themselves.

I work for Pivotal, we sponsor most of the work done on BOSH. As it happens, SAP released an experimental BOSH CPI for Kubernetes[1] and there is work underway to make that experience smoother[2].




That's all nice. The issue though is that BOSH has been completely leapfrogged by Kubernetes with its extensible API. Nowhere will BOSH ever get to the community reach and acceptance of the level of Kubernetes. That Boat has sailed. And with implementations of the machine specs [0,1,2,3] you get rid of the "media break" that you deem BOSH is filling (it is not). Maybe you could implement BOSH as implementation of the machine spec and integrate into K8s, the other way round than KuBo?

As for the bunch of data services, I guess it's only a matter of time until you see a cambrian explosion of productive operators. I mean this non-comprehensive list [4] is already impressive.

SAP works in many projects where obligations with long term commitments have to be kept. And that is ok. BOSH CPI is one experiment to get CF on K8s. Have a look at the one which seems more attainable [6]. But these activities are an indicator of the elephant in the room, namely CF & K8s: Will it blend? [5]

I work for SAP in the inter-junction of SaaS, PaaS & IaaS and K8s.






