I'm very happy to see you better support for docker compose. I think about 50% of the time I find Kubernetes used in production/development when it could have just used Compose along with a simple Terraform or Pulumi deploy script.
Docker compose is extremely basic. Even on a single node Kubernetes is more capable than docker compose. Ingresses, Services, Deployments, Cronjobs, Statefulsets. Awesome operators. Cert-manager. There're so many things I could easily do with Kubernetes that would require countless unmaintainable bash scripts and ad-hoc approaches with docker-compose.
https://github.com/operator-framework/awesome-operators archived since 2021 and now https://operatorhub.io/
I hadn't heard of this, interesting. Layers and layers of abstractions. What an interesting way to solve things. "It's YAML all the way down"?