So finally the greening of programming languages!

Kind of hard to argue with the article's premise. Though all languages aren't equal for all tasks. For example, its hard to use Rust for web projects because the ecosystem isn't mature enough. May be there should be investments into Rust ecosystem from pro-environment groups.

PS: that Go memory usage is incredible. Why is it so low when compared with even 'C'.

> May be there should be investments into Rust ecosystem from pro-environment groups.

Meh, I think they have better ways to spend their limited resources than putting them into something Amazon is also investing in.

> PS: that Go memory usage is incredible. Why is it so low when compared with even 'C'.

That study has been posted here and a bunch of other places and just isn't that reliable. It's based on The Computer Language Benchmarks Game. Some of the implementations are painstakingly optimized with SIMD and sophisticated algorithms. Some aren’t. It’s benchmarking N different programs written in M languages (where M

Take a look at the dramatic difference between Javascript and Typescript. Then realize that Typescript is literally the same language. Basically I think someone wrote slow-solution.ts, then someone else wrote fast-solution.js, and no one bothered to cp fast-solution.js fast-solution.ts.

Edit: that said, I do think Rust is genuinely a great language when you need security and efficiency together. And Go is a great language when efficiency is not quite as important as productivity.

> It's based on The Computer Language Benchmarks Game…

It's based on these 4 year old programs —

> … the same program ported to N languages…

You can write Fortran in any language ?


> … no one bothered to cp fast-solution.js fast-solution.ts.

Perhaps figuring out correct type annotations was too much of a barrier.

> > It's based on The Computer Language Benchmarks Game…

> It's based on these 4 year old programs —

Yes, that repo's blurb confirms what I said: "The complete set of tools for energy consumption analysis of programming languages, using Computer Language Benchmark Game"

If you were making some other point, I missed it. As for the programs being four years old, the paper was published in 2017, so that's exactly as expected...

> > … no one bothered to cp fast-solution.js fast-solution.ts.

> Perhaps figuring out correct type annotations was too much of a barrier.

Sure, the details don't interest me. The point is that these two languages with identical compilers (TypeScript gets translated to JavaScript, discarding you're annotations) show wildly different scores, which makes it impossible to take any of these numbers too seriously.