Apparently Windows supports ARM, so in theory Apple will continue to support Bootcamp.

> (notably, one thing Apple does not need to give up is Windows support: Windows has run on ARM for the last decade, and I expect Boot Camp to continue, and for virtualization offerings to be available as well; whether this will be as useful as Intel-based virtualization remains to be seen).

Windows may support ARM. Yet the reason most people want Windows is compatibility. And if Windows ARM doesn't run most of their software then it's a step backward for them.

It might give a small boost to Windows-on-ARM that Microsoft has been trying for over a decade. Porting a typical windows app might be easier than porting to Mac/Linux because you still have DirectX and all the Windows libraries.

There's also x86 emulation on ARM. It's slow, but it might be enough to run that 20 year old business app.

Windows ARM seems to be a bit faster than that running x86. An older video showed pretty good performance: . Using an abstraction layer to convert system library calls to call native ARM system libraries instead so you don't have to emulate x86 versions of the system libraries.

This is the same concept box86 implements on Linux. . It's good enough to run lower end Linux games on a Raspberry Pi 4