This is an incredible visualization! Thanks for detailing how you tiled their huge dataset too. Packing the data into RGB channels as you did is really powerful - I've only seen this done for elevation tiles. Do you have a code link to how you're performing the cursor-brush aggregations?
This seems like it could be an awesome application of an cloud-optimized geotiff (COGs) for serverless tiling. I'm curious if you ran across this tech in your research?
I'm not sure where your project will take you, but I'd encourage you to continue! I got a lot of exposure to the community when I worked at Uber, and still contribute - Here are some relevant links you may get ideas from.
COG demo:
GPU tile processing:
Elevation tile decoding (also uses workers): looks really cool. I haven't seen many attempts at doing client side raster processing.
Thanks! Unfortunately further development of that project went closed-source, but that code should be instructive as-is. Client side GPU-based raster processing is going to be released soon as part of our [0] SaaS product. Demo here [1]
That looks like some really awesome mapping.
Unfortunately, closed source seems to be the way that the mapping gl community is going right now.
I'm doing open data stuff, and the general push is definitely to open data/open source as a general principle. And also as an important consideration, when we deliver a project, with open source we at least know that the service isn't just going to go away if it gets bought by google/apple or just dies 6 months down the road. We also tend to shy away from systems that are on the Oracle "Call Us" for pricing model.
Well this "extension" is closed source, but at the core we use [0]. is under open governance [1] inside the Linux Foundation/Urban Computing Foundation, so no contributor can take the project closed source.
I thought deck was based on, which has now gone closed source.
There are examples [0] of pairing with either Mapbox GL JS or Google Maps. It's also easy to use with the open source Mapbox GL JS port [1]. Also if you're ok with a bitmap basemap, you can just render OSM tiles with directly [2].
(Also I guess good to disclaim that I'm a maintainer of )