A really great way to learn more about numpy is with Math Inspector[1]. It creates a block coding environment which works with the entire numpy/scipy stack, it also has an interactive 2d and 3d plotting library that updates the functionality in mathplotlib. Also, I made it =) Just spent the past 3 months working day and night and released a massive update a few days ago. Check out the youtube video on the bottom of the page for more in depth information.

[1] https://mathinspector.com/

Fantastic. Jupyter is a handicap disguised as dataman’s best friend. This is actually intuitive

Could you elaborate more on Jupyter? I use it almost daily, and despite its warts (such as lack of source control and a lack of explicit dependencies), it's pretty darn useful.

You can use it with source control, I do it for about 18 notebooks I use on a daily basis:
