I am curious how many people at least tried Git/GitHub in their note keeping journey to keep their notes safe and secure and accessible.

I use nb (https://github.com/xwmx/nb) and sync to gitlab. The best part of nb, is that you can bookmark a url, and nb will keep a copy of the page with the bookmarked url. So if the page disappears later, you still have a copy with your notes.

It's all stored as markdown, so you can go in and edit the page. nb also syncs automatically every time a note is edited.

Images, pdfs, docs, etc. can all be dumped into nb.

On mobile, I use gitjournal, and point it to the same gitlab repository, so the same notes are synced on mobile.

The notational-fzf vim plugin (https://github.com/alok/notational-fzf-vim) is excellent for searching notes and just works if you point it to your .nb root directory.

The next best thing is notable (https://notable.app/), which provides a much better interface, but doesn't do the download url thing. Gitjournal and notational-fzf also work with notable.