I'm a very happy daily RSS user, but we ought to be upfront about its ginormous deficiencies:

- every day I deal with broken links and broken images because my feed reader doesn't know from which URL it should resolve relative links

- there's no pagination mechanism, or way for a client to ask for "all posts since last Friday". If you want your feed to always have all posts available, you need to include the entirety of your archive in every feed response.

- if I want to follow any link I get kicked back out to a bloated web page

- lots of posts include iframes, or content that only makes sense with JS enabled


Despite this, I still love RSS. It's what we've got and we should continue to make the most of it. But it also sucks, and it's not any surprise that mostly only technical people use it. I think feeds are pretty much doomed to keep breaking and disappearing. Many of the replacements or pseudo-replacements that people come up with seem fine, but the problem - as always - is getting people to actually use it, which mostly never happens.

Maybe try another reader? What are you using? None of these are issues for me in my feed reader, Emacs Elfeed. (XML aside, though I can't say I've ever had to view any feed's source.)
