Their attacks are based on previous chosen-prefix work from Marc Stevens, who tweeted this about the attack [1]:

"Their $100K figure is based on as-of-yet undisclosed improvements. History shows many claims of low-cost SHA-1 attacks that have not stood up to peer review. I am very sceptical that their attack costs in total less than the $110K building block (SHAttered) that they use."


Marc Stevens quotes $500K, which is very much still a threat (even an order of magnitude more would be). Plenty of organizations would be willing to spend that much pocket change on a single attack.

The game-changer is it's chosen-prefix. A vendor can produce a pair of entirely different binaries with the same hash, but most importantly, they look and behave sane except for the last few blocks of the file. This is easily hidden, especially if the binary is encrypted.

It's not a stretch of the imagination to see how, for example, an IP camera vendor could do exactly this. Yes, it requires a nefarious/complicit vendor, or an insider who can pull this off undetected (not everyone has a fully automated build/release pipeline).

So it changes the threat model. SHAtter was waived by many because the threat model didn't convincingly apply to them. Example: git. That analysis needs to be repeated.

(All this assuming the attack described in the paper is correct and practical in real world implementation)

> SHAtter was waived by many because the threat model didn't convincingly apply to them. Example: git.

Git quickly switched to the sha1collisiondetection library[1] by default after the SHAttered attack was published. It's a SHA-1 library written by the authors of the paper which the attack.

Edit: Marc Stevens saying that existing library will mitigate this new attack:
