I use recursive queries in SQL to search persistent suffix arrays (mainly when there is a LOT OF DATA). You can do string search hundreds of gigabytes of data within ~0.004s with SQLite on cheap SSD and pretty much no RAM - my goal is to be able to be able to search and align on all genetic information we have so far (about ~9 trillion base pairs in total)

If anyone knows how to increase INSERT speeds on Postgres, I would appreciate. I can get about 100K per second with COPY or putting the inserts in a transaction. Have tried some more mirrored NVME drives and more RAM with ZFS, as well as dropping some unimportant indexes, but I'm still a little limited. Any thoughts?

Assuming you're doing bulk inserts, and can restart the insert on any failure, one tactic is to disable all consistency and durability storage features during the insert. This heavily reduces the IO operations needed and the need to wait for them to complete. That's assuming that iops are the resource that you are constrained on.


- use ext2 or even tmpfs as the filesystem, this disables journaling and COW features of ZFS; mount options async,nobarrier

- set tables to be UNLOGGED to disable Postgres WAL

This got things fast enough for my last use-case. But next ideas, as at some point you then become CPU/memory bound

- you could try sharding by partitioning the table

- another trick is to use SQLite as a backing store for inserts (it is quite fast if you turn off all logging) and then query with Postgres via a FDW https://github.com/pgspider/sqlite_fdw