To provide some historical context for this meme, the Xbox One had recently been unveiled and at the time was going to have a mandatory Kinect. It was rumored that the camera would be un-disableable and on at all times.
The Kinect Azure is pretty badass. I see why they would say that and it is very funny. I work in computer vision and NUI R&D and it's really hard to understate the accomplishment that is Kniect. I get why most people don't want to play dance games and don't like the machine looking at them but it is REALLY hard to package up solid solutions for the problem the Kinect solves and the Azure and surprisingly it's cross platform SDK are IMO one of the most beautiful tools every produced by humans.
/i need one to record myself a la matrix
Then you'll love this project. The Holographic demo supports the Looking Glass display and I'm pretty sure natively supports the Kinect Azure but also works with a webcam.