> That establishes the fact that modern keyboards contribute to the latency bloat we’ve seen over the past forty years

Sometimes I try to imagine what things would be like if people were still trying to optimize their stuff as if it were to be ran on a 16mhz machine with a few kb of ram. Then I get back to the 6 electron apps I gotta work with, where latency between a key showing up in the search box and search results appearing gets close to 10s.

Somehow things got wrong somewhere.

Could be worse. I've been doing dev on a citrix desktop, where a single keypress can take seconds to register.

> I've been doing dev on a citrix desktop, where a single keypress can take seconds to register.

Why would that be slow, though? Citrix would only be like that if you were over a high-latency network connection - that's unavoidable. If it is a LAN connection then the Citrix box is overloaded: add more RAM and processor cores (and disable the page-file: disk IO is a big killer of VDI UX).

The problem with the Electron apps mentioned is that it's a reflection of the sad state of affairs that we have crappy UX caused by bad technical decision-making, rather than a crappy UX just because the hardware is underprovisoned.

Yeah, it's natural that remote desktop is bad in bad connection even if Citrix is well made. But it can be said that adopting VDI over Citrix solution for developer machine is a mistake, something like adopting Electron.

> But it can be said that adopting VDI over Citrix solution for developer machine is a mistake

That's debatable - certainly in many cases it makes a lot of sense: e.g. a corporate environment with hot-desking (i.e. Windows Roaming Profiles), but programmer/dev users need a consistent workspace so they can't use roaming profiles, instead having consistent and persisted VDI environment makes sense.

Another reason is that you can pre-image and snapshot an entire OS environment more easily (and even more easily if you're using a Hyper-V VDI instead of a multi-user Terminal Services or Citrix VDI) which is great for ensuring everyone on a team has the exact same build/dev/test environment. This is being reinvented as "Code Spaces" which GitHub and Visual Studio seem to be really getting behind: https://github.com/features/codespaces and https://github.blog/2021-08-11-githubs-engineering-team-move...


But I'd wager that most devlop-in-Citrix/TermServ situations are in "normal" corporate businesses with "no fun allowed" IT policies, and even if they don't have a hot-desk office policy they probably still don't like the idea of anyone having root/admin access to their own machines. (I'm fortunate to have never been in that situation in my working life, but I've heard plenty of horror stories from friends who did short-term contract dev work on-site for companies like Tesco and the like)