What problem are you trying to solve? You spend a lot of time talking about code formatting. The more mature teams I’ve worked with have settled on a format and use linters to identify deviations. From my perspective, that is a non-issue.

I can type characters much faster than I can drag a mouse, so I’m not seeing any increase in productivity. In fact, the coding part of my job is perhaps the most streamlined. It’s the design, planning, and people ops that consume the most brainpower.

> You spend a lot of time talking about code formatting. The more mature teams I’ve worked with have settled on a format and use linters to identify deviations. From my perspective, that is a non-issue.

Formatting is not a major part of the result, it is just a nice side effect; I didn't mean to give it so much attention. I will not say, however, that formatting is a non-issue. It isn't an important issue, but it is one that a disappointing number of man-hours have been spent thinking about. Just look at all the comments and controversy on this ticket about zig not supporting tabs: https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/544. Consider how much time has been spent making auto-formatters, and making them preserve things like comment alignment. There are 'less mature teams'; what will you do for them?

> I can type characters much faster than I can drag a mouse, so I’m not seeing any increase in productivity.

Like I said, I don't want to rewrite everything in scratch. I have no intention for the future to be anything but keyboard-driven; an editor which is aware of tokens and syntax trees will be better able to facilitate editing, no matter what your inputs. Consider fructure[1], which is not dissimilar to what I propose. I don't think it uses the mouse at all.

1: https://github.com/disconcision/fructure