Looks great, but didn’t answer the question for me of why to learn this over TypeScript or Rust.

The answer seems to be in the title: this of particular interest for those already interested in Lisp or Scheme.

Sibling comment already asked the important question to ask yourself, but my answer would be: Language design decisions and the typical benefits of using Scheme dialects or former Scheme dialects, as Racket does not consider itself a Scheme any longer, iirc.

For example being able to make good use of recursion, being able to write programs more elegantly.

Racket, in contrast to JS or TS, comes with lots of batteries included, therefore not requiring so many third party dependencies. Time and time again I see the Racket docs and think: "Ah Racket has got something for that/got you covered." Also it is rich in programming language concepts. You can write your programm in any of the languages that come with Racket, or you can write it with function contracts or you can use Typed Racket.

At its core, it is a much cleaner and better designed language than TS will ever be due to TS' JS legacy.

Even the racket teachpack libraries designed for education are very capable; I was able to make this structured editor with only using teachpack content without external deps: https://github.com/disconcision/fructure