I love using Awk, the only thing I miss is that it can't handle complex csv files. Does anyone know how to handle quoted CSV strings like
> "foo","bar,baz"
I like the idea of Unix pipelines, but I hate all the sublanguages, awk being one of the biggest. I scratched my itch and built my own shell, marcel: https://github.com/geophile/marcel.
I mention this specifically, here, because of the CSV point. Marcel handles CSV, e.g. "read --csv foobar.csv" reads the foobar.csv file, parses the input (getting quotes and commas correct), and yields a stream of Python tuples, splitting each line of the CSV into the elements of the output tuples.
Marcel also supports JSON input, translating JSON structures into Python equivalents. (The "What's New" section of marcel's README has more information on JSON support, which was just added.)