Anyone have recommendation for replacing Lastpass? I need support for Android, Linux, and Windows. I would like to be in control of my data if possible (sync to cloud) and a nice to have would be a browser extension for autocomplete.
KeePassX - I've been using it for years now. I just put the database on my Dropbox. Quick, convenient, and most importantly for me, always in my own hands.
I've used KeePassX for offline/cold storage for years. I like KeePassX so much wrote a YubiKey extension [0] years ago but it was never merged. I assume the maintainer wasn't interested, never responded, but allowed the discussion to continue. Turns out this was more the norm than the exception, I assume the maintainer was too busy or lost energy/interested in maintaining what became a big project.
Years later KeePassXC[1] was forked and slowly growing.