I’m a happy user of Dash (macOS) for years now. Sadly Zeal is not 100% the same in terms of integration etc. at least I never got it running on windows and Linux like on Mac. I only use hot key setup (alt-space in my case) No fancy ide hot keys and such.

There used to be some controversy (around 2015) when the author (single dev) put out yet another breaking version with new license upgrades. The free version was artificially slowed down. He added a new search backend and wanted to be compensated. So all users had to pay again. I upgraded 3 or 4 times. I think it’s a great tool that solves a problem. Some feel that he only wrote a parser/display tool and that the price is too high. I wished I came up with the idea though ;)

I didn't know zeal was being updated at all since the last "release" is almost 5 years old.

I recently discovered devdocs.io and the emacs integration[1] and like it so far.

[1] https://github.com/astoff/devdocs.el