I can't tell if this is an honest call to keep things simple, or if it's meant to ridicule that idea. Because I strongly, deeply agree with some of these points, and am absolutely horrified by some of the others.

OP here.

I was working on a feature for a webapp that I thought should be doable in a day, but I spent roughly a week on it. When I was done with it, I looked back and thought: wait, why did this take me the whole week? I couldn't come up with a satisfying answer.

So I just decided to accept that I'm not that productive. Maybe there are things I can do to improve my speed of implementing features, but for the time being, this is my speed.

I was going to make a writeup about coming to terms with that.

But somehow as I was writing (originally on Twitter) I linked it in my head to the way I hate modern dev culture: the docker and the webpack, etc. Programming is already hard, why make it 10x harder with all the tools that require complex configurations, etc?

I remember raising this point on HN and other places with other developers, and that there was always push back from people who swear by these tools.

So it clicked in my head: I hate these tools because I'm already slow as it is and I can't take it when these complexities slow me down even further.

Then as I spent more time thinking about the content, I thought this a manifesto worthy content.

But in terms of the points mentioned: I'm dead serious about all of them. Although what I actually mean might not be obvious from first glance.

When I said I write objects as-is, it appears that most people in this thread thought I'm writing individual files. This is not what I'm doing. I'm using a B-Tree backed key-value store and doing binary serialization. I also have a scheme where I make use of the properties of B-Trees to make indexing/querying possible. I have a whole write up about this topic: https://hasen.substack.com/p/indexing-querying-boltdb

For using HTTP as a medium for RPC, I also have a writeup: https://hasen.substack.com/p/automagic-go-typescript-interfa...

These alternative techniques took time for me to develop, so you could say that it would have been faster for me to just use postgres/docker/aws etc (the standard stack). But this is my point: I really am too stupid to learn them.

Wait, so you made your own database? That's the thing I'm not smart enough for. I'd rather just use an existing database.

I mean, not really. The hard work was done by benbjohnson who is now working on https://litestream.io/ and https://fly.io/

He's the one who wrote BoltDB https://github.com/boltdb/bolt

I just put a relatively thin layer on top of it.

Now, to address your point more directly: I'm too stupid to figure out configuration, but not too stupid to figure out code. Code gets compiled and type checked. You can have tests, etc. Tractability for code is much higher than configuration.

With configuration, you have to be really smart and keep many moving parts in your head.

With code, you can be a bit dumb and lean heavily on the tooling.