I hear about zig all the time, and I'm surprised I don't more about vlang. Yet they still to target a similar audience.

Is this a matter of popularity or features ?

Vlang started as a closed source project with a lot of lofty claims that fell apart quickly once the project was actually opened up. Combined with all the delays and broken delivery promises leading up to that, it gave people a poor impression of the project.

With that said, I've heard the situation has improved since then.

Can you list any claims that fell apart?

For example, one of the biggest claims has always been fast compilation. Here's V compiling itself in 0.3 seconds: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvP6wmcl_Sc

V was also self hosted (written in V) from the start, which says a lot about the maturity of the language.

> Combined with all the delays

There were no delays. The project was announced to be released in June, and it was.

By the way, we now have a cool OS written in V, that can already run Bash, g++, and V itself!
