What are you doing to sync your files? I'm current using the git integration and while it works it's a bit too manual for my tastes. I think I'm ok with last write wins as long as the sync stores history. The whole commiting changes, pushing, pulling, dealing with merge conflicts is a bit too much workflow for my notes.
Not parent, but I have had a good experience using SyncThing to keep my obsidian notes synchronized across devices.
I have a server at home where I self host a few services and access over tailscale so I have a device that is “always on” and syncing, but prior I used a $5 droplet for much of the same. Can recommend.
I second SyncThing in combination with Obsidian. Works like a charm.
I just setup Obsidian a couple days ago and have been using https://github.com/vrtmrz/obsidian-livesync which seems to work ok. I'm curious if SyncThing would be preferable. How does it handle conflicts? How often does it sync? Does it drain the battery on mobile if it syncs too often?