A victory for sanity. Apple threatening developmental licenses and anyone who used the Unreal Engine was nothing short of mafia-esque, and just as obviously Fortnite being restored to the app store is a matter for Epic's lawsuit against apple.

Isn't this still an Epic issue? Basically if Epic delivered their engine to their customers as source code and NOT as a compiled binary couldn't the customers build the engine and include it in their App Store submission? But since Epic is trying to deliver the compiled engine to their customer (signed with their dev keys) thats where the problem comes in?

How can epic develop the engine if they are banned form using Apple development tools.

They aren't banned from using Apple's development tools.

They were going to be.

No they weren't. You can download and use the developer tools without a developer account.

You must agree to the developer program's EULA to use Apple's developer tools, as well as sign your code.

You don't need to sign your code before being able to write your code.

I made a Mac app a few weeks ago that got to the front page here on HN[1]. It isn't notarized by Apple since I don't want to pay Apple just so I can give my work away for free that fixes something that shouldn't be an issue in their OS in the first place. When users run the app for the first time, they get a warning[2]. For that kind of popup to happen when anyone tries to use anything by Epic would almost certainly dissuade new users a bit. Currently you can run unsigned code on macOS if you disable some security options in preferences but soon that won't be possible[3]. It's already the case that unsigned code can't run on iOS, so for Epic to develop an engine on iOS they must be able to sign their IPA files so they can actually be installed on a testing iOS device which can only be done through Apple.

1. https://github.com/ther0n/UnnaturalScrollWheels/

2. https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5874301/88485840-2...

3. https://www.reddit.com/r/apple/comments/icyif5/apple_silicon...