This is a mandatory install on macOS for me (one of many). The suite of extra software utilities required to make the base OS usable is ridiculous, but I'm glad to see open source maintainers working to keep my mouse working.

> This is a mandatory install on macOS for me

Would you mind expanding on that? I'm not sure what I'd improve about my touchpad experience on my Mac.

Not the OP, but for one thing, natural scrolling is just an awful idea for mouse users, it was designed for touch screens, and translates pretty well to trackpads (Although it broke with over a decade of user experience), but it's completely unnatural on a mouse. Unfortunately, if you're a user who switches between a mouse and the trackpad, Mac OS only let's you pick one.

you can override natural scrolling in default OS X System settings, though.

Not per-device. I like "natural scrolling" on my trackpads, but dislike it with mouse wheels. It's a PITA to visit system settings every time I switch; I've been low-key looking for something like this for some time.

I use this tool to keep natural scrolling on trackpad and normal scrolling on my wheely mouse: